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Who The Heck Am I Anyway?

Inner Wanderings ~ Janet Dwinells ~ April 1, 2021

“Who Am I? I am not my thoughts. I am not the voice in my head. I am the awareness that recognizes the thought. I am the essence of being.” ~ Eckhart Tolle

Who Am I? I invite you to take a few moments to truly ponder this seemingly obvious question. What do I really know about myself? I know I exhibit a personality: a collection of habits, reactions, desires, memories and preferences. I know I have a physical body because: it moves me around the earth, I can touch it and it causes me both pain and ecstasy. I experience my emotional body through myriad sensations including: agony, joy, love and anger. I think, therefore I am. But am I my thoughts? Am I my emotions? Am I my personality? Am I my body? Yes, I am all of these and much, much more. I am a multi-dimensional being existing in a multitude of dimensions at the same time.

From a quantum perspective, I am the sum total energy of all my experiences in every state of consciousness, past, present and future. I am the energetic awareness behind the eyes. I am the eternal soul. I am the Light of creation. I am one with the Universe, and so are you. Within each of us blazes the divine fire of the Creator, the transformative energy that fuels our being and lightens our spirits. Yet many of us have forgotten our heritage, losing touch with the most profound dimension of our essence. It is time to lift the veils. Reawakening to our divine nature is a vital leap along the voyage of your soul.

The truth of who we are is co-creator energy, which the ego is terrified to expose. “If the soul becomes the master, what will be left of me?” it cries out defiantly. So with our limited human awareness, we split off, denying the divine light within, building a wall around our heart, all the while committing ourselves to a life of bondage and pain. Uncovering and honoring the light within, however, sets our soul free to live out its earthly mission.

Think about where your personality is taking you now and conversely to what heights you could go with the illuminating energy of creation vitalizing your every action. From an earthly perspective, who we believe we are shows up in: the choices we make each day, who we choose to companion with, how much respect we show ourselves, and others, and in what state of reverence we walk upon our mother earth. By aligning with the light force within, we invariably become more reverent, generous and loving individuals imbued with the higher awareness of divine sustenance.

From a spiritual perspective, our soul purpose is to manifest the glorious co-creative energy that is capable of miracles each and every day of our life. Edgar Cayce explains that “by keeping in touch with the Creative Force, we rise above the conditions where the blind lead the blind, and we know that we are guided by the All-Seeing Eye in all we are called to do.” We are the Light divine. How comforting would it be if we could feel ourselves wrapped in this glowing blanket of truth? Gurumayi writes, “When you have a vision of this flame within you, when you recognize that this flame is God, when you understand it was there yesterday, it is there today, and it will be there tomorrow, you feel protected. Then you are not afraid to wake up.”

I urge you to make a commitment to actively honor the illuminating presence of divinity in your heart each day, as it is the only source in the Universe of true peace, happiness and abundance. Practice listening to the still small voice of divine wisdom, as it flows unceasingly through your intuitive awareness and choose actions aligned with this river of light. Follow your heart’s longings, and share your loving self with all you meet, giving full expression to your energetic divinity. Exploration of self as creator is a courageous act. Are you willing to co-create your life and let your light shine?

Dancing Lesson for Your Soul

Opening to Universal Energy

  • Stand up straight and feel your connection with the ground.

  • Breathe in fully through your root chakra at the base of your spine. Breathe out fully through your root chakra. Notice how your energy feels.

  • Breathe in now through the top of your head filling your body and breathe out through the top of your head. Notice how your energy feels.

  • Breathe in now through both the root chakra and the top of your head at the same time. Notice how your energy feels.

  • Breathe in and out now through every cell of your being. Notice how your energy feels.

  • Inhale and say to yourself, my breath is the breath of the Universe.

  • Exhale and say to yourself, the breath of the Universe is my breath. Notice how you are feeling.

  • There is a core of energy that is you.

  • You are individual and one with everything.

  • How are you feeling now?

  • Journal your perceptions.


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